Everyone wants a job that will provide them with stability and success, but finding one is easier said than done. The workforce is continually evolving, making it difficult to predict which jobs will still exist – and be well-paid – 30 years from now. Fortunately, career trends can help anticipate what the future holds or…
Credit Card 101: How Do Credit Cards Work
.blurb__content{text-align:left;color:#393a3d;font-size:13px;line-height:21px} .blurb__title{text-transform:capitalize;color:#00a38f;font-size:18px;line-height:21px;font-weight:700;text-align:center;background:#fff;position:absolute;top:-11px;text-align:center;transform:translate(-50%,-50%);left:50%;top:-1%;padding:0 7px} .blurb__container:before{content:” “;background-image:url();background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;width:22px;height:22px;position:absolute;top:32px;left:25px;top:50%;transform:translateY(-50%)} How Do Credit Cards Work? When you use a credit card, you are borrowing money from your bank or credit issuer. When you make a purchase and the payment is accepted, the amount is deducted from your credit limit and added to your current balance. You are recommended to make…
How To Invest For Unicorns And Soft Landings (DON’T)
Unless you’re a central banker, don’t panic. In that case, what are you doing reading this? Don’t you know that inflation in the United States is currently at 7% and is likely to reach that level in the United Kingdom? Aren’t you supposed to be raising interest rates as quickly as possible? I was just…
Central banks are losing control and politicians will pay the price
Central banks are losing control and politicians will pay the price: So, in the video below, I got a little animated… but not without reason! While projecting 7.25 per cent inflation, the UK’s central bankers are waxing lyrical about “the remit is clear the inflation goal applies at all times, underscoring the centrality of price…
The Price Of Failure Is Measured In Interest Rates
The price of failure is measured in interest rates: Investors must ask themselves two questions whenever interest rates begin to rise. Who can afford the rising borrowing rates the least, and when do they run into trouble? Every time interest rates have risen since the 1970s, we’ve seen a variety of borrowers fall into problems….
How to Negotiate Medical Bills: A Simplified Guide + What You Need to Know
How to Negotiate Medical Bills: A Simplified Guide + What You Need to Know: If you haven’t experienced it yourself, you’ve most likely witnessed a loved one go through it: You’re surprised with a bill that’s far higher than you expected weeks after a medical procedure. This can be due to a procedure not being…
How to Write a First Job Resume + A Downloadable Template for 2022
How to Write a First Job Resume + A Downloadable Template for 2022: Selling yourself and your skills to a potential employer can be tough, especially if you lack relevant experience. Whether you’re drafting your first job resume or struggling to find work after college, this article will go over everything you need to put…
How to Negotiate Medical Bills: A Simplified Guide + What You Need to Know
How to Negotiate Medical Bills: A Simplified Guide + What You Need to Know: If you haven’t experienced it yourself, you’ve most likely witnessed a loved one go through it: You’re surprised with a bill that’s far higher than you expected weeks after a medical procedure. This can be due to a procedure not being…
The Merchants of Menace and the potential debt disaster
The Merchants of Menace and the potential debt disaster: What happens when interest rates are maintained artificially low over an extended period of time? It may appear to be an academic question. However, if the accurate answer is “the 2008 global financial crisis,” you should sit up and take notice. Especially given where interest rates…
Credit Card Debt: 5 Ways to Pay It Off
Credit Card Debt: 5 Ways to Pay It Off: There are numerous methods for paying off credit card debt, ranging from simply paying more than the minimum amount due each month to employing a technique such as a snowball method. The ideal option for you will depend on the severity of your debt, your interest…