Category: Health & Wellness

Headaches After Being Exposed To Loud Noises – Hearing Loss

Headaches After Being Exposed To Loud Noises – Hearing Loss There is no association between an individual’s threshold for discomfort in response to noise and the noises that induce hearing loss. You cannot strengthen your ear’s resistance to noise by listening to loud noises. The acoustic reflex helps protect the cochlea, although exposure to loud…

Iron Deficiency Anemia During Pregnancy – Information Here

How may iron-deficiency anaemia be avoided and treated during pregnancy? Iron is typically included in the ingredient list of prenatal vitamins. Pregnant women can benefit from taking an iron-fortified prenatal vitamin to help prevent and treat iron-deficiency anaemia. How is iron-deficiency anaemia during pregnancy treated? However, the American Pregnancy Association reports that between 15% and…

Failure To Diagnose Heart Attack – Phoenix Malpractice Lawyer

PERSONAL INJURY ATTORNEY MEDICAL MALPRACTICE: FAILURE TO DIAGNOSE A HEART ATTACK Heart Attack Malpractice: Medical Malpractice is frequently the cause of undiagnosed heart attacks. Although the symptoms of a heart attack are well-known, including chest discomfort, pain in the left shoulder and jaw, neck pain and shortness of breath, lightheadedness, cold sweats, and nausea… Undiagnosed…
