When To Call A Pest Control Company

When to call a pest control company is a question we are asked so we have listed the top signs that you have unwanted house guests.

Your​ ​home​ ​is​ ​an​ ​investment​ ​in​ ​your​ ​future,​ ​so​ ​you​ ​want​ ​to​ ​ensure​ ​it​ ​is​ ​well​ ​protected.​ ​
​Our​ ​Brisbane​ ​pest​ ​and​ ​termite​ ​control​ ​and​ ​inspections​ ​team​ ​are​ ​trained, certified​ ​and​ ​knowledgeable​ ​in​ ​all​ ​facets​ ​of​ ​pest​ ​control.​ ​
We​ ​have​ ​all​ ​the​ ​knowledge​ ​and​ ​experience​ ​you​ ​need to​ ​have​ ​the​ ​job​ ​completed​ ​quickly​ ​and​ ​to​ ​maintain​ ​a​ ​pest-free​ ​zone.​

pest control Brisbane

Signs Of Termites

Termites are very destructive and can enter a home and start causing damage without you being aware of it until it is too late

  • Frass is termite waste and it looks like sawdust. It tends to accumulate near the entrances to their nests.
  • If you see mud tunnels on the outside of your house, they are no thicker than a drinking straw.
  • The appearance of discarded wings or a clump or winged insects likely warrants an immediate termite inspection.
  • Trouble opening and closing doors and windows in cooler weather.In warm weather timber can swell and then in cooler weather the swelling subsides.When termites destroy the wood around door frames, they weaken the timber and moisture can enter into the area. These two factors can cause frames to shift or warp, which is why you’re having difficulty opening or closing doors and windows.
  • The noises they make!You can actually hear termites eating and if danger is detected, the termites bang against their surrounds to warn the colony


Signs of Cockroaches

Cockroaches are not loners. If you see one, then there is likely 100 that you have not seen.
That’s why proper cockroach control is a tricky business.

  • Strange smell happens when cockroaches in larger numbers give off a bad odour which is like a wet dog. It’s an oily, musty smell that comes from a mix of their pee and poo.
  • Cockroach droppings  look like little patches of what look like coffee grounds on the floor, they are probably pellets of poo.
  • Cockroach egg casings can also be found around the place. These casings are brown in colour and shaped like a cylinder. Depending on which species of cockroach, they can hold between 10 and 50 eggs in each one.

If you don’t get the pest control problem sorted quickly, you can easily have a full-on infestation happening and that’s not fun or funny. Calling a trusted team of professionals in pest control is your best bet.


Signs of Wasps

Whenever you see a group of insects or bees swarming around your  home it means it is either a food source or a nest.

  • Look for these nests under decks, eaves, and balconies as this keeps them protected from the elements.
  • If it is a swarm of bees, contact your local pest control company and they will arrange for a local bee keeper to come and remove the swarm.
  • If it is wasps then these can be treated and care needs to be taken as wasps can quickly swarm and attack a person or pet.

There are three main types of wasp in Australia:

Paper wasps: Build nests from eaves, the underside of branches and leaves. Nests are normally quite small (maximum 100-200 wasps) and hang by a stalk. They tend not be aggressive, only stinging when defending their nest.

Mud-daubing wasps: These are large solitary wasps than build a small nest consisting of a number of cells made of mud, often plastered to the wall or ceiling. They tend not to be aggressive, only stinging when defending their nest.

European wasps: These bright yellow and black striped wasps are capable of forming very large nests of up to 100,000 individuals! The majority of nests are found in the ground (80%), often visible only by a hole (with wasps flying in and out), with the remainder of nests found in buildings (roof spaces, wall voids and eaves). These are not often found in Queensland.


Signs of Ants

In Brisbane we mainly deal with a Black ants, Green ants and Carpenter ants
Ant infestations inside the home are pretty obvious and you see them.
Often, these may be ants nesting outside coming in looking for food and moisture. Act as soon as you see them and to put all food away if this is what they are targeting.

    • If you find ants in your house and cannot see where they are coming in from, you may have ants nesting in or under your house. They quite often nest in wall voids, roof spaces and behind cupboards. This can take some searching to find the nest and apply a treatment.
    • Signs of an infestation outside are piles of dirt and sand appearing between pavers and mounds in the lawn.


  • Also if you find family members or pets being bitten, then it is time to treat the ants



Signs Of Fleas

If your pet has fleas then you may have fleas in your house!

  • If you have bites appearing on your lower legs , then you may already know you have fleas. You will have to start treating them.
  • Your pet’s bed should be the first place you look, as well as any other spots your pet is allowed to sleep. Flea eggs are tiny, off-white ovals that can be hard to see on light-colored upholstery and rugs.
  • Put on long white socks and walk around your home and shuffle around areas where your pet sleeps. Then, check the socks for fleas. If they’ve taken up residence in your home, odds are that a few will be visible on your socks.

cat bedding

Your Neighbours Have A Pest Problem

Many pests are able to travel into the surrounding properties and from one home to the next. It is especially true for mice control and cockroach infestations.
Look for the signs pests leave
In doubt call in a professional pest control and carpet cleaning service to check the property and put in place monitors or a preventive treatment.

You Have Been Trying To Do Your Own Pest Control

You have spent money on baits and sprays but the problem still exists
They do not know how often and how thoroughly they need to treat. Professional Brisbane pest control  are your local expert team and are available when it is time to call in the professionals

The post When To Call A Pest Control Company appeared first on GQ Central.

22 thoughts on “When To Call A Pest Control Company

  1. It’s so easy to ignore the little signs of a pest problem until it’s too late. I love that you’ve highlighted the importance of staying vigilant, especially with termites. Those pesky critters can really do a number on your home before you even notice they’re there! It’s smart to get ahead of it, especially with the expertise your team brings to the table. A proactive approach saves money and keeps our homes safe. Thanks for sharing this vital info!

  2. This post hits home for so many of us. Our homes really are our biggest investments, and dealing with pests isn’t just a nuisance—it can seriously cost us down the line. Those signs you mention—especially frass—are often the first indicators that something’s off. It’s kinda wild how those little critters can sneak in and wreak havoc without us noticing.

  3. I appreciate the insightful discussion on when to call a pest control company. Owning a home is indeed a significant investment and, as such, safeguarding it from unwanted pests should be a top priority for every homeowner. It’s so encouraging to see that the Brisbane pest and termite control team is ready to assist in this regard, providing trained, certified, and knowledgeable expertise in tackling pest-related issues.

    1. It’s great to see your thoughts on pest control and home investment. It’s true that our homes are such a major part of our lives, and dealing with pest issues can be quite stressful. I recently learned that pests like termites can actually cause damage worth thousands if not addressed promptly, which really puts the importance of prevention into perspective.

  4. Protecting our homes is essential for safeguarding not just our investments, but also our peace of mind. When we think about the importance of a clean and secure living environment, it’s clear that any signs of unwelcome guests should be taken seriously. The presence of pests, particularly termites, signifies more than just an inconvenience; it signals the potential for serious damage that could undermine the integrity of our cherished sanctuaries.

  5. Your home represents more than just walls and a roof; it symbolizes your dedication to comfort and security. Recognizing the signs of pest invasions, like the subtle hints of termite frass, is a vital step in safeguarding your investment. The reality is that ignoring these indicators can lead to severe damage that could threaten your peace of mind and financial future.

    1. You’ve nailed it! A home really does go beyond just bricks and mortar – it carries all those memories and the work we put into making it feel like ours. When it comes to pests, being aware of the little signs like termite frass is key. It’s easy to overlook, but those tiny bits can signal something much bigger.

      “Discover how to protect your home and ensure your peace of mind with our expert pest prevention tips.”

  6. While the intent behind your article is commendable—highlighting the importance of pest management for maintaining a valuable asset like a home—the lack of nuanced discussion around these issues weakens your overall message. You present a list of signs to watch for without delving deeply into the implications of ignoring these warnings, which crucially impacts homeowners’ risk awareness.

    1. You bring up an interesting point about the nuances of pest management. It’s true that I focused a lot on the signs that might indicate a pest problem, but that leaves a bit of a gap in terms of what can happen if those signs are ignored.

  7. It’s great to see such a comprehensive guide on when to call a pest control company! Homeownership definitely brings a whole new set of concerns, and pests are at the top of that list for many of us. It’s interesting how we usually think of pests as just a nuisance, but honestly, when it comes to termites, they can be a real hazard to our investment. Ignoring those signs can lead to some hefty repair bills down the road.

    1. I completely agree with you on that. Homeownership does come with a unique set of challenges, and pests can really be at the forefront of those concerns. It’s fascinating to think about how some people still see pests as just minor annoyances, while in reality, situations like termite infestations can escalate quickly and become a significant threat to our homes.

  8. Your home represents not just a financial investment but also an emotional one. It is your sanctuary, a place where you nurture your family and create countless memories. Therefore, ensuring its protection against unwanted pests should not be taken lightly. The signs indicating a pest issue can often be subtle, so it’s critical to stay vigilant and informed.

  9. This article provides a valuable overview of when to seek professional pest control services. Recognizing the signs of pest infestation, particularly termites, is crucial for protecting your property investment. The mention of frass as a clear indicator of termite presence serves as an essential reminder for homeowners to remain vigilant. Engaging a trained and certified pest control team not only ensures timely intervention but also offers peace of mind. Proactive measures are key in maintaining a safe and pest-free environment.

    1. You’ve hit on something really important with your observations about termite infestations. Frass can be such a subtle sign that many homeowners overlook until it’s too late. I’ve actually had a friend who faced a pretty serious termite issue because they didn’t recognize the early warning signs. It’s fascinating how these little creatures can cause so much damage without us even realizing it.

      If you’re looking to stay ahead of pest issues at home, I found an article that really breaks down how to recognize problems early, especially with termites, and highlights the best local services available to help.
      ‘The Best Pest Control Service In Sydney NSW’

      1. You’ve brought up a crucial point about termite infestations. It’s surprising how easily those subtle signs can be missed amid the hustle and bustle of daily life. My uncle had a similar experience a few years back when he discovered termite damage in his old house. He always thought those little piles of frass were just dirt or debris. By the time he got a professional in, it was a much bigger issue than he anticipated.

    2. You make a great point about the importance of recognizing those signs early on. Termites can be really insidious, and frass is often one of those overlooked indicators. It’s interesting how something so small can signal a much larger issue.

  10. This article brings up such a vital topic for homeowners! It’s so easy to overlook the subtle signs that pests can leave behind until they escalate into a full-blown infestation. Understanding when to call in the experts can save not only your peace of mind but also your hard-earned investment.

    1. You’ve hit the nail on the head with that observation. It’s really interesting how pests can be so sneaky—they often leave signs that can go unnoticed, especially when life gets busy. I remember a friend who had a slight termite issue that escalated far too quickly because he thought it was just a minor issue with no urgency. It made me realize how crucial it is to remain vigilant and proactive.

    2. You hit the nail on the head about the importance of catching those subtle signs early on. I remember when I first bought my home, I was so caught up in renovations that I missed some clues about a small ant problem until it turned into something much larger. It definitely made me realize how crucial it is to stay observant and address issues before they spiral out of control.

  11. The message conveyed in your article carries profound significance for homeowners. Understanding when to call a pest control company is not just about addressing a nuisance; it’s about safeguarding a crucial investment—your home. This investment extends beyond its monetary value; it represents your sanctum, the space where cherished memories are created and futures are built. Thus, it is paramount to remain vigilant about potential threats posed by unwanted house guests, such as pests.

    1. You’ve captured the essence of homeownership beautifully. It’s so true that our homes are more than just buildings; they are the backdrops of our lives, where our stories unfold. When pests invade, it feels like more than just a nuisance. It can hit hard, disturbing that sense of comfort and safety we strive to create.

      “Enhance your peace of mind and protect your cherished space—discover expert pest control solutions that prioritize your home’s safety and comfort.”

    2. You’ve touched on something really important in your comment. Homeownership is not just a financial investment; it’s also about creating a safe and welcoming environment for ourselves and our loved ones. It’s interesting how often we think of home simply as a shelter, but in reality, it’s so much more than that.

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